07 December 2009

Taste of the Tea

Have you ever wanted to try one of our teas but you just don't like chamomile, or peppermint, or just wanted something a little different? Well now is your chance! Come see us at Squidfire's Winter Art Mart on Saturday and together we can design a custom blend of your very own!

02 December 2009

The Festival of Saint Nicholas night 2

Image courtesy of http://rjdent.files.wordpress.com

So did you read along with us last night? Our cookies got foiled by a nice long power outage so thats a bust another night tonight though.

In the second portion of the story The Bishop Nicholas we encounter a little girl who is the cause of her own loneliness. From her encounter with Nicholas we learn how we can be more like the Sun to give our love to others and fill their hearts with love. My children will wake the following morning to an orange to help them remember what it feels like to share good things with others. The orange tastes sweet like sunshine and love.

So be the sunshine and spread your love! One great way to do that would be to buy handmade and help the Maryland Foodbank.

01 December 2009

The Festival of Saint Nicholas

Image from http://www.daskochrezept.de

What some of you may not know about us is that we are a homeschooling family. On December 1 each year we start telling the story of Saint Nicholas in preparation for the festival in his honor on December 6. This is a common thread if you are familiar with Waldorf education.

Tonight after dinner my children and I in our pajamas will get in our pajamas and gather round on the floor of the boys room as I will retell the same story we hear December 1 every year, the story of The Little Boy Nicholas. After we read this story with our hearts filled with hope and love  into bed they go and down to the kitchen I go. I will bake cookies for them to awake to along with 5 shiny pennies representing the cookies and coins in the story and the children who helped the little boy who could not use his legs. These cookies and coins will remind my children to be kind and helpful to each other. This year we are using this cookie recipe Haselnussmakronen as we are currently gluten free and I don't have flour in the house and no time today to get our usual snicker doodle ingredients.

So come back tomorrow and see how we will celebrate on Day 2 of the Festival of St Nick!